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Gondola Skyride Flash Sale

Tickets starting at $15. 

Safety Weekend
January 13 - 14, 2024

Safety Weekend

January 13 - 14, 2024
  • Calendar icon
    January 13 &14, 2024

Help us promote skier and rider safety this weekend by taking part in one or more of our safety related activities. Stop by the Red Bull truck, solve the scavenger hunt and more this weekend.  


Safety Scavenger Hunt

On Saturday, we’ll be giving away a prize to whoever can solve the Safety Scavenger Hunt. Keep an eye on our social stories throughout the day as we release clues to the winning location.
Learn more about Skier Safety


Helmet Sale

Is your helmet old or need replacing? New England and Loon Passholders can save an additional 10% off on a new helmet purchase January 13 - 14.  Stop into Loon Mountain Sports and let our experts help find the right helmet for you.
Helmet Safety | Save a Brain Concussion Guide

Babe's Blue Ox Lounge

Responsibility Code & Ride Another Day Quiz

Did you know the Responsibility Code was updated this year? Test your knowledge by taking our quiz online. The quiz is open from January 13 – 20. The winner, selected at random will take home a prize.
Know the Code | Watch the Video & Take the Quiz

Ski Patrol Pop Quiz

Keep an eye out for Ski Patrol at the lift lines this weekend. They’ll be asking Know The Code and other safety related questions to test your knowledge. Answer correctly and win a free hot chocolate or coffee on us.

Music and Giveaways

The Red Bull truck and DJ will be parked outside of Kanc 8 keeping the vibes up. Stop by the information table to learn more about skier safety around the mountain. Answer a Know The Code question and take home a prize.